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If we had to pick a singular reason for starting this ministry (outside of being told to by God,) we would say that our reason is to help God’s ultimate creation—humans—learn about Him and get to know His saving grace through observing and critically thinking about the natural world.

Many times, Christians feel at odds with what science tell us about the natural world. We feel like the world of science is an enemy to our Christian faith. While it is true that many scientists today take the worldview of methodological naturalism, a strictly “godless” view, many others take some level of the worldview that we have at Wisdom’s Story: Science is actually an ally of our Christian faith, because science, in its most basic form, is the study of the natural world. Since God created the natural world, science is the study of how God does things.

Christians can often have a dismissive attitude toward science, assuming that all science that is mainstream is actually part of a political or anti-God agenda. And yes, it’s true that many things promoted in the media as “good science” are actually just cunning chicanery for some ulterior motive. It’s also true that some things being taught in public schools as accurate scientific theories have been wildly altered or even replaced in the scientific community, yet they are still being taught in schools. However…. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Sometimes, we Christians assume that just because some science is being taught inaccurately or with an agenda, that all science coming out of modern research is inaccurate, or is somehow being tampered with to “hide the truth.” We instantly assume that anyone with a PhD behind their name is an atheistic slanderer, motivated only by greed and the desire to delude the general public. This belief system has led many Christians to become paranoid and distrusting of the scientific community, and even offended with or angry at other Christians who don’t feel the same way.

Ironically, by throwing out modern science, we are missing one of our greatest ministry tools.

In Paul’s systematic treatise to the Romans, he states, “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.” Romans 1:20 NLT

God created science. Scientific law actually reveals God’s nature (that’s a blog post for another day.) Good, accurate science always points to God and the inerrant Bible. The part we as fallible humans get tripped up on is that we sometimes don’t recognize it. We assume that it’s going to look or behave a certain way, either because we have preconceived ideas about how we think God did something, or because we have a staunch idea about what certain verses in the Bible mean, and we’re not sure how a certain scientific discovery could possibly be in line with that. But we are human. Sometimes we are not as smart as we thought we were.

God is so much bigger than us. We put Him into our little narrow box of understanding, assuming that our interpretation is surely exactly what He meant, because we’ve been reading the Bible for years, right? Surely we know exactly what He meant when He said He “With His own understanding He stretched out the heavens.” (Jeremiah 10:12b)

God is not an enemy of science. He invented science. Science is His creation, and He calls it very good.

God has left a breadcrumb trail for His curious image-bearers to follow. For those of us who stand in awe and worship of Him whenever we see the beauty and detail of His creation, science is like looking at His fingerprints. It gives us an opportunity to get to know Him better, and the more science reveals the complexity of creation, the more we are humbled and in awe of Him.

Come with us as we share this journey of getting to know our Creator. He’s left a trail of evidence for us to follow, and when we do, it leads right into His loving arms.